Thursday, July 2, 2009


In just over 24 hours, my life will turn upside down and everything I know and have begun to expect and appreciate about my existence will cease to be as I embark on a new adventure in pursuit of a deep rooted dream. I'll be saying goodbye to my closest friends and family as I move to Dallas to begin flight school. Am I nervous? Scared? I can't even recount how many times I've been asked that question over the past few months as I began to broadcast my future plans. Some have called me nuts, leaving a stable career and enthusiastically digging myself into $60 grand worth of student loans in the midst of the worst economy of my youthful generation, all in the hopes of someday flying for a living. Delusional? Deranged? Probably. But it's a dream, my dream, and I'm going for it. I just want to fly airplanes. And so, to quote myself with my favorite expression (apologies to all my ex-girlfriends), "We'll see what happens." Follow along as I begin an incredible journey...


  1. Wow Gabe this is AWESOME!!! I'm pumped for you! Thanks for the blog so I can stay updated!

  2. I will be praying for Gods guidance over you as you make this transition, Gabe. I have no doubt that it will be the beginning to an amazing chapter in your life. I cannot wait to see where this dream journey takes you.

  3. Good luck Gabe!! Love the picture from Rainy :)

  4. I'm excited to hear what life has in store for you! Know you...I see this as nothing but "gabe-esque" just go for it and live out your dreams. Good for you Gabe! Most people wouldn't be so willing to just go for it and leave behind everything that they've ever known. I know I wouldn't be able to.

    How are you going to go to flight school and manage Zuleger Septic at the same time...?
